Terms of Service

These Terms of Service apply to every account or user registered on the site:

§1 Distribution of Program

The Program may not be distributed or shared with any third party.

§2 Account Sharing Prohibited

Sharing of user accounts is strictly prohibited.

§3 Account Selling Prohibited

Selling of user accounts is strictly prohibited.

§4 Exclusive Methods

Sharing or distributing bypass or concealment methods unique to this clicker with others is prohibited.

§5 Program Security

Any attempts to reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise tamper with the Program's code or security measures are strictly prohibited.

§6 Refund Policy

Every sale is final. Refunds will only be considered under exceptional circumstances if the Program gets detected within 1 month of purchase. Users must contact the admin on Discord to discuss any refund requests.

§7 Violation Consequences

Any disallowed actions or violations of these terms will lead to immediate account termination.

§8 Account Termination

We reserve the right to terminate any account at any time without prior notice or explanation.

§9 Changes to Terms of Service

We reserve the right to modify, change, or update these terms of service at any time without prior notice. It is the user's responsibility to regularly review these terms for any changes.